Lidl Northern Ireland launches new Sport for Good programme
Date published: 17th April 2019
Lidl Community Works Sport for Good programme will invest £160,000 into local youth sports clubs
Winning clubs will receive brand new training accessories and £4,000 to go towards new sporting equipment
Keep your Lidl receipt to nominate your club online by Thursday 30th May 2019
European gold gymnast Rhys Clenaghan, four-time Paralympic gold swimmer Bethany Firth and MMA gold medallist and Jiu Jitsu champion Leah McCourt joined Lidl Northern Ireland to help power a new generation of champions as part of a healthy new initiative – Lidl Community Works Sport for Good.
With more than one in four young people struggling with their mental health*, taking part in sport has been shown to have both physical and mental benefits for children, improving social skills, self-esteem, body confidence and the ability to deal with peer pressure. Lidl Northern Ireland’s new Sport for Good programme is designed to encourage and support young people to make the most of the physical and mental benefits of sport participation.
The new Sport for Good programme means that hundreds of sporting clubs and organisations are in with a chance to win brand new training accessories as well as £4,000 to secure all the essential equipment they need to keep them on track and improve their game.
In total, the Lidl Community Works Sport for Good programme will invest £160,000 into 38 winning local clubs. With one winning club per store, Lidl Northern Ireland encourages shoppers to nominate their favourite youth sports club online. Customers can nominate their club using a 10-digit code from any Lidl receipt before Thursday 30th May 2019.
The Sport for Good initiative forms part of Lidl Northern Ireland’s longstanding ‘Community Works’ programme which first launched in 2014. Committed to providing local support, Lidl Community Works has engaged with over 750 community groups to date.
Last year, Lidl Northern Ireland raised more than £420,000 for local charities and community groups, including its National charity partner NSPCC Northern Ireland
Conor Boyle, Regional Director for Lidl Northern Ireland, said:
“Our mission is to encourage young people to make the most of the physical and mental benefits when taking part in sports. We’re honoured to be joined by three inspiring athletes to launch this significant initiative today which can help change and shape the lives of the younger generation. We would like to take this opportunity to encourage our customers to get involved and nominate their favourite club online using their Lidl receipt.”
Welcoming the initiative, mixed martial arts champion Leah McCourt, said:
“Participating in sport is incredibly important for emotional and physical health. It can build confidence, leadership and social skills. Youth sporting clubs are vitally important for community life and I would encourage everyone to get behind the Sport for Good programme to give more young people the chance to experience the benefits which participation in sport can bring. It’ll make a real difference.”
To nominate a youth local youth club in your area, visit the dedicated Community Works page at https://www.lidl-ni.co.uk/en/lidl-community-works.htm before the closing date of Thursday 30th May 2019.
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